Fitness Exercises

Get your body back in shape using ShapeUp®!
You also sit in the office all day long and the evenings you spend on the couch? You go shopping by car and as sports program you go for a walk with the dog?
Then it is time for a change!
Because without regular exercise muscles atrophy and fat pads emerge. You proverbially “lose your figure”- even if calorie intake remains the same.

Muscles do not build up on their own.
With your daily portion of ShapeUp® and at least 3 × 30 minutes of resistance training per week, you will get your body back in shape.

With ShapeUp® you get your act together!
So let’s go. Together we’ll get your body back in shape. ShapeUp® supports you during training. ShapeUp® boosts the effect of your resistance training and thus ensures noticeably faster training successes. Here we show you the perfect combination of a few targeted, effective exercises. If you already do resistance training in a gym, just stick with it.
By the way, age is no excuse: whenever you challenge your muscles, they regenerate, even if you’re 100 years old.

Advice on increasing the intensity of your workout:
Start exercising gently and not without first consulting your doctor. Listen to your body and be careful not to overexert yourself.

Week 1-2 with 3×8 repetitions
Week 3-4 with 3×10 repetitions
Week 5-8 with 3×12 repetitions
Week 9-12 with 3×15 repetitions

You can increase trainings intensity by increasing the weight or the number of repetitions in case of body exercises.

LEG PRESS  without training device

Leg press without training device

Activates your muscles in bottom and thighs

Stand hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, heels firmly on the ground.
Raise the arms at a 90° angle to your body.
Lower your hips backwards to the level of your knees.
Important! Your knees must be straight to your toes.
Then come back to the starting position.
Keep knees slightly bent with heels firmly on the ground.


LEG PRESS witht training device

Leg press with training device

Activates your muscles in bottom and thighs

Lean your back firmly against the pad of the training device.
Place your feet hip-width apart on the foot plate so that there is a 90° angle between upper and lower legs.
Hold on to the handles with your hands.
Release the safety catch and bring the weight slowly and in a controlled manner towards your upper body, as far as mobility allows.
Then slide the foot plate back again.
Keep your legs slightly bent.


Beinpresse mit Theraband

Leg press with resistance band

Activates your muscles in bottom and thighs

Stand on the centre of the resistance band with feet hip-width apart and knees bent.
The heels are firmly on the ground.
Arms are at the sides of your body.
Lower your hips to knee height.
Important! Your knees must be straight to your toes.
Completely extend your hips and knees.
Make sure your back remains straight throughout the exercise.


Rückentrainer ohne Trainingsgerät

Back Trainer without training device

Activates the muscles in your lower back

Lie on the ground in a prone position.
Tense abdomen and alternately lift your arms and legs diagonally.
A yoga mat is ideal on a hard floor.


Brustpresse ohne Trainingsgerät

Back Trainer with training device

Activates the muscles in your lower back

Lean your back against pad and unlock safety catch.
Bend your upper body forward, then push back the weight again and come back to an upright sitting position.


Brustpresse ohne Trainingsgerät

Back Trainer with resistance band

Activates the muscles in your lower back

Stand on the centre of the resistance band with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent.
Bend your upper body forward at a 45° angle.
Tense abdomen.
While keeping your arms extended below your shoulders, slowly pull the Theraband up towards your chest and briefly hold this position.
Keep your elbows close to your body.
Then slowly lower the band again.
Make sure your back remains straight throughout the exercise.


Brustpresse ohne Trainingsgerät

Chest press without training device

Activates your chest muscles

Lie on the ground in a prone position with hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart.
Head, neck, spine, bottom and knees form one line, abdomen is tense.
Bend both arms simultaneously and lower your upper body.
Then return to the starting position.
To make it easier, the hands can alternatively be placed shoulder-width apart on a fixed elevation.


Brustpresse mit Trainingsgerät

Chest press with training device

Activates your chest muscles

Adjust the seat height so that the handles are at chest height.
Knees should be in a 90° angle when sitting.
Back is straight and firmly pressed to the pad of the training device.
Grasp handles with hands and push forward slowly and in a controlled manner.
Keep arms slightly bent.
Then return to starting position.


Situps ohne Trainingsgerät

Chest press with resistance band

Activates your chest muscles

Attach the resistance band to a safe, firm point (not a door or furniture handle).
Lunge: One leg slightly bent in front of your body.
Stand with open arms forward so that the band is slightly taut.
Move your arms (with elbows slightly bent) in semicircles in front of your chest until your hands almost touch.
Hold for 1-2 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position, keeping muscle tension.
Exhale during the forward movement, inhale when returning.


Situps ohne Trainingsgerät

Sit-ups without training device

Activates your abdominal muscles

Lie supine on the ground.
Your knees are bent at a 90° angle.
A yoga mat is ideal on a hard floor.
Tense abdomen and slowly raise your upper body.
Then return to the starting position.
Hold arms either beside your body or clasp hands behind the head.


Situps mit Trainingsgerät

Sit-ups with training device

Activates your abdominal muscles

Lie supine with knees bent at 90° angle.
Tense abdomen and slowly raise your upper body.
Then return to the starting position.
Hold arms either beside your body or clasp hands behind your head.


Latzug ohne Trainingsgerät

Lat pulldown without training device

Activates the muscles in your upper back

Grasp pull-up bar from outside, lift your lower legs and slowly pull your body up until bar is at chest level.
Then slowly lower your body back down.
Do not bring your feet to the floor.


Latzug mit Trainingsgerät

Lat pulldown with training device

Activates the muscles in your upper back

Pull lat bar with wide grip towards your chest.
Keep your back straight.
Then slowly lower the weight back down.

